A pleasant companion, the American Shorthair is a loving cat and will become attached to all members of the family.
American Shorthair At a glance

The American Shorthair’s weight must be closely monitored and managed to guard against obesity.
Weight range:
Male: large: >12 lbs.
Female: medium: 8-12 lbs.
Eye color:
Blue, Copper, Green, Gold, Hazel, Odd-eyed
Tendency to Shed: Moderate
Length: Short
Characteristics: Straight
Colors: White, Blue, Black, Cream, Red, Silver, Golden, Brown, Cameo, Bluecream, Tortoiseshell, Chinchilla
Pattern: Solid color, Tortoiseshell, Bicolor, Tricolor/Calico, Tabby, Smoke, Shaded
Less Allergenic: No
Overall Grooming Needs: Moderate
Club recognition:
Cat Association Recognition:
Prevalence: So-so
The American Shorthair is a medium-sized cat, but she is a very powerful one. She is heavily muscled and has heavy boning. Her rounded, thick appearance makes you realize that she will be heavy when you pick her up.
The American Shorthair is a powerful cat. All components of this cat should be well developed. She has a broad chest, a muscular neck, strong jaws and a well-developed muzzle. Her legs are thick and strong. She looks like what she was originally meant to be, a cat to keep rodents out of the barn and the house.
The coat of the American Shorthair is thick and dense. Her coat becomes much longer and thicker during the winter. The texture of her coat is relatively hard as it is meant as protection for her.
The American Shorthair is a very pleasant companion cat. She is easy going and placid. The American is a loving cat and will attach herself to all members of the family.
While the American loves to play, she doesn't need hourly attention. If she is in the mood to play, she will bring her parent a toy. The American also plays well by herself. She is a very good companion for single people.
Living With:
The American Shorthair is a thick, muscular cat and her nutrition must be carefully controlled. Despite the heavy boning and musculature of the cat, you want to make certain that she keeps a proper weight and does not get out of condition.
The American will play when she wants to play. She will find a toy or create one out of anything she finds if a cat toy is not available. Interactive play may be necessary to keep her in good shape and make certain that she gets adequate exercise.
Daily brushing is important, especially during the change of seasons when her coat is thickening or thinning. Even this Shorthair cat can get knots in her coat if she isn't brushed regularly.
The American Shorthair tolerates being left alone. She is an affectionate cat, but also spends time just sleeping in the sun. The American is an easy cat to care for and makes a wonderful, quiet companion.
The American Shorthair is considered to be the shorthaired cat that is native to the United States. However, this breed was bred out of cats that probably originated in Europe. Cats fitting the description of the American Shorthair were probably not native to the United States until the time of Columbus.
The first recorded breeding of the American Shorthair took place around 1904. The British Shorthair was one of the parents of this breed, which was originally known as the Domestic Shorthair.
The American Shorthair cat was a working cat that was used to keep the rodent population under control. Since this cat was meant to work, it was bred to be hardy, healthy and strong. Since most of them lived outdoors, the coat was cultivated to be thick to keep out the elements and keep the cat warm.