What to Expect at Your Kitten's 6-Month Health Check
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By the time your kitten is six months old, she should already be well acquainted with your vet. Taking a kitten to the vet is one of the first things you should do after adoption. Your kitten should also continue visiting the vet over the first few months of her life, for physical check-ups and vaccinations. She should be receiving her core vaccinations by the time she’s 16 weeks old.
Your kitten’s six-month health check is an important one. This is the time for you to make sure she’s on track with her growth and development. Make an appointment with your vet for a thorough health check.
What to Expect at the Vet
At your kitten’s vet visit, you can expect your vet to perform the following health checks:
- Your kitten will be weighed to make sure she is growing at the correct rate for her breed. If she’s not, your vet may advise you to change her food. A high-quality kitten food can provide her with the nutrients she needs to grow and be healthy.
- Expect a thorough exam of her eyes, ears, paws, and teeth. By this time, your kitten’s adult teeth should be coming through. Her baby teeth usually fall out naturally to make room, but your vet can make a recommendation if this is not the case.
- Your vet will recommend a deworming and flea control regimen if you don’t already have one in place. The ASPCA recommends that you spay or neuter your kitten between eight weeks and five months of age. If you haven’t done so yet, your vet can discuss the benefits with you and determine when your kitten should undergo the surgery.
Tips for a Productive Feline Vet Visit
Having the right kind of pet carrier for your kitten will make her feel right at home for the trip to the vet. Carriers come in different sizes and are made out of different materials, such as hard plastic or fabric. Determine which of these makes your kitten more comfortable and use it to take her on vet visits. Regular cleaning, along with a favorite toy or blanket will help settle her in her surroundings. If she seems agitated, get her acquainted with the carrier by putting it in your home beforehand and making it a fun, safe, cozy place for your kitten. Leave the door open and fill it with treats and toys. Take her on car rides to get her used to spending time in the carrier.
A calming spray in her carrier can also work wonders. These sprays release pheromones to reduce cat stress and are available at your veterinarian’s office, online and at pet stores.
When you arrive at the vet, it is important to reassure your kitten that this trip is a positive experience. While your vet is specially trained to handle your kitten, he or she may ask you to help keep her calm during her visit. To keep her calm, lightly pet her and reassure her in a soft, warm voice. As she begins to become more comfortable with the veterinarian each trip to the vet will become an easier, more pleasant experience for both you and your kitty. Bring some tasty treats along for the trip to reassure her and make her visit a positive one.
Your vet will be your primary source for advice on your kitten’s health, food, and behavior as she grows into an adult. Make sure that she sees the vet every six months to a year for regular check-ups. Finally, it helps to keep track of common behaviors that your cat exhibits at home in case you or your vet have any questions related to her health. Finally, never be afraid to ask your vet questions about your kitten; it can go a long way in helping keep her happy and healthy for many years to come.